Our services​

We create the tools you need to make your data more accessible,
giving you meaningful, actionable insights.

We help our clients become data-driven organisations by creating business models, using data analytics and developing business intelligence tools.

Every business has data. More is created every day. But it’s only when we access our data that it becomes truly valuable. 

With the right analytics tools in place, you can release your data’s potential. 

We’ll meet you anywhere on your data journey to help you work towards your business objectives: whether you want to transform the way you work, make complex decisions faster, improve performance or find new business opportunities. 

Have an issue but not sure where to start? Our experienced consultants can work with you and your team to figure out what is best for you and your business, and support you throughout the process.

Business Modelling

We specialise in developing models that underpin business decisions.

Our experience ranges from Excel-based solutions that produce forecast financials from underlying business drivers, to process simulation models which help analyse the impact of change.

We build integrated financial models to be reliable and robust. We can help you develop your financial model, from scoping and specification through to development, populating assumptions and operating it. 

All our financial statements contain an integrated profit and loss account, balance sheet, direct and indirect cash flow statements and a dashboard as standard. We can also work with you to develop advanced modules such as automated updating for actuals, valuations, interactive dashboards, consolidation into other models, macro automation, and further bespoke features.

An operational model is a useful tool to calculate expected outcomes if you’re trying to forecast changes to your organisation’s processes. 

We can build operational models that emulate your business so that you can safely test changing assumptions and processes. This can enable you to make informed, data-driven decisions in a safe and robust tool before embarking on costly change programmes.

Whether you’re working buy-side or sell-side, we can develop financial models to support your corporate transaction.

As with all financial models we develop, transaction models include integrated financial statements and an output dashboard as standard. Transaction specific modules often also include pre and post transaction forecasts, a detailed scenario and sensitivities manager, more detailed output dashboards, valuations and automation macros.

Regulated businesses are often required to submit models with specific calculations and defined financial statements to their regulators. 

We can help produce regulatory compliance models which take in outputs from your existing systems and produce outputs required by your regulator. Where regulators stipulate specific methods of modelling, we can work to their specifications.

Simulation modelling is a useful method for testing the likelihood of possible outcomes, where input assumptions are uncertain but follow statistical probability distributions.

We can help you if you want to build a bespoke simulation model or add simulation features to your existing operational or financial models. Simulations can be performed within Excel using simulation add-ins (e.g. Monte Carlo simulation with @Risk), or with specialist simulation software (e.g Simul8, Matlab & Simulink). 

A quality assured model helps build confidence in your stakeholders. Getting a model independently reviewed for errors can improve its reliability and enhance its quality.

Our model testing uses a proven 3 part methodology: 

  • a bottom-up review of every unique formula and macro in the model;
  • top-down analytical review of the model’s operations; and 
  • a best practice review with recommendations on how the model’s quality can be improved. 

In more complex cases we can test models by rebuilding to the same specification and testing by reconciliation.

When you have multiple stakeholders you often need to develop several levels of dashboard outputs and visuals to bring the model results to life for each level of user.

We can help by first conducting design workshops to understand the outputs your stakeholders need from your models. The output dashboards we then develop are either within your Excel model or using specialist visualisation software.

Data Analytics

We help our clients develop actionable insights from their data.

By designing tools to make your data more accessible, we empower you to evolve into a data-driven business.

Understand your data by giving meaning to the various unstructured and structured data sets in your business.

With our help, you can know what data you have and what you can do with it to develop better insights, as well as identify crucial gaps and the opportunities for improving your organisation.

Advanced analytics is a comprehensive set of analytical techniques and methods designed to help businesses discover trends and patterns, accurately predict the future and drive change using data.

Some of the advanced analytics techniques we can help you with include predictive modelling, machine learning, data/text mining, sentiment analysis, simulation and visualisation.

Insights from your data often means that there are a set of actions that need to be taken.

We can help you translate these actions into your data-driven business strategy, project manage the implementation, and undertake technical development of your data and analytics solutions.

Business Intelligence

We can work with you to distill your data, information and knowledge into relevant, reliable and timely business intelligence for your decision makers.

We can support you with development of your BI solutions including designing your ETL processes, making bespoke interactive visualisations, and automated reporting.

Data visualisation is the presentation of data in a pictorial and graphical format, to provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers and patterns in data. 

With interactive visualisation, you can drill down into charts and graphs for more detail, interactively changing what data you see and how it’s presented.

We create beautiful, intuitive and interactive visuals to bring our clients’ data to life, giving them the tools to explore the insights directly from their data sets. Visualisation software we work with include PowerBI, Tableau, and Qlik.

ETL is the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming it as per business rules and loading it into a destination data store. It is often a necessary, but challenging step, to developing a seamless reporting solution.

We can help you with your ETL, from documenting your existing data sources to designing your data model and implementing your data flow architecture.

Reporting is about understanding your stakeholders and what information is relevant to them.

Producing reports can often be a time-consuming and resource-heavy process. We develop systems so that report creation can be automated as much as possible.

We can help you develop reporting tools which save crucial time and resources during your reporting cycles. Not only can these create substantial cost savings, but also give your people more time to spend on analysis and actioning insights rather than producing reports.

Metrics and KPIs shape behaviour and can be incredibly powerful instruments for change and measurement. The data behind KPIs need to be trusted and properly understood to be effective and therefore requires careful consideration.

We can help you answer questions such as:
– How can we design the right metrics to capture and communicate performance?
– How can we collect and trust the data that underpins a KPI?
– How sensitive are my KPIs to internal and external factors?
– What are the shortfalls and oversights of the metrics we’re currently relying on?

Management Consulting

We provide data and analytics focused management consultancy support. 

Our experienced consultants work with you and your team to figure out what is best for you and your business, and support you throughout the process.

Are you a CIO looking for additional expert support? Or does your firm need help with your data strategy but doesn’t have the resources for a full time role?

We can help you to define and refine your firm’s data strategy and how data projects should be implemented.

This may include assessing business cases, performing cost-benefit analyses of planned projects, engaging with your board and stakeholders and overseeing data projects.

Developing data or modelling solutions in-house is not just about hiring developers, but also having technically skilled project managers own and oversee your projects from start to finish.

Our consultants can help you manage your projects, reduce project risk and provide the crucial link between the business and technical developers.

Running a lean business can mean that sometimes you find yourself short of skilled resource at crucial times in a project.

Whether you need extra pairs of hands to get a project over the line, or short-term staff cover mid-project, we can provide you with critical data and modelling resource to help you plug the gaps in your resourcing.

Investment in your people means giving them opportunities to grow and new skills to do their job better.

We have designed and delivered training at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels in modelling, data analytics and visualisation for our clients. 

Get in touch to discuss how we can design bespoke training for your team in the areas that matter to you.

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